Saturday, December 13, 2008

Winter in Wauwatosa

Wauwatosa, WisconsinWinter in Wauwatosa,WII have come to Wauwatosa on the 29th Nov 2008. It was a nice feeling coming down to USA, even though I had to change four flights. In fact this was my first international trip.

I had landed in Wauwatosa, or Tosa as it is commonly called by the locals here around 5:30 pm. While landing , I was coming from Minneapolis - Tosa on a connecting flight, I saw everything was white ... by snow. I had started thinking how can live here, I was just wearing normal clothes and a jacket ; the thermals were inside the suitcase. It was very nice to see the snow, but I was thinking to myself how shall I manage it.

Unlike the other airports, Milwaukee Airport was a very small airport, a small passage, everything was small. I had come through Schipol, Minneapolis, and so this one seemed a really small one. After collecting my luggage, all of them which were intact, I proceeded to collect a trolley. But somehow, the trolley would not come out. Then I saw that it was a pay trolley - one needed to pay one dollar in a vending machine to get a trolley !!!!!!!! I collected all the three luggages and dragged them out of the airport , as the trolley machine was not working. There I stood for sometiime and got a cab, which took me to the motel I was supposed to stay in. .. Extended Stay America, Wauwatosa - the cab driver took $36 , and I gave hime $4 as a tip !! I thought it was okay, but later I found out that $4 could have bought me a nice dinner!!

The hotel was nice; and the rooms even nicer. I was very tired , as I was travelling for 25 hours by flight, I had a good shower , and then went to Denny's a nearby food joint to have my dinner. I did not wear my thermals till that time, and I was enjoying the cold weather. .. well it was still manageable. I am putting up a photo of Wauwatosa, WI, which I got via the Zementa plug in ... its a plugin every blogger should have.

After my dinner, I came back home, and called up Ma, and Ritu .... it was 5 am at India. I checked the television for sometime, there were only 14 channels in the television so it was not DTH ... I was used to 120 channels in India. The premium US channels were missing. .... what a bad luck .

The next day was a Sunday, so did not much of a tension for office. Went to sleep quite late.

P.S. The post date was showing the date and time ( IST ), I changed it Wisconsin Central time.

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